Hand-Tufted Hand-Carved Rugs
Hand-tufted rugs are among the most luxurious and artistic in rug production. Several factors contribute to their opulence, including yarn content, fine detailing and finishing techniques. We use 100% New Zealand wool, known for its brightness and whiteness that best absorbs and reflects vibrant colors in our rugs. We also specify other yarns in our rugs such as bamboo and silk. They can add a lush, rich sheen and striking detail against the wool.
We can communicate color with Pantone fan decks to accurately communicate tone and shade when developing project palettes.
It’s the next best alternative to small samples of fabrics and other interior selections to guide the development process. This method removes the guesswork in color development and speeds the process. The more you share of your design concepts the greater our understanding so that we bring it all together into a well-considered layout with delicate and balanced color.
For centuries it was true that if a man had a rug, he was indeed wealthy. Not so much these days, but well-crafted / designed / and thoughtfully colored custom rugs are still a luxury, and never found in a big box store.